One Button at a Time…

Tuesday Night Craft Experiment

Completed Project: Joe’s Scarf! December 21, 2010

Filed under: Completed Projects,Knitting — momentpunch @ 1:11 pm
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I promised Joe a few weeks ago that I would make him a scarf for the winter. I’m trying to make good on my “Yeah, I’ll make you one” promises and have things knit by the time winter ends. It was hard not to be shocked myself over the fact that it is December 21st and I finished this. I missed the first snowfall by hours, but he was able to wear it today. And he reports that’s super warm and pretty cool.

The scarf was knit with two skeins of Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick and Quick. It’s a nice soft wool for the winter that doesn’t shed. The color is hard to see in the photos below, but it’s a charcol color with tiny hints of white peeping out. It’s long, wide and perfect for the winter.

Since I wanted to make good on my promise this scarf was knit with the stockingnette stitch – which is just knitting each row. I like making scarves this way because it looks the same on either side and is easy peasy. I used size 15 knitting needles even though the yarn suggested size 13. I went with what I had and it really didn’t make much of a difference.

Here is Joe modeling the scarf:



The Aristocrat



Sadly, I did not make the hat, but I am hoping to take a workshop this winter that will teach me intarsia. It’s my dream!